Differences to usual batch files:
-Ghost applications without DOS window. If you prefer you can create a console (visible DOS window) application.
-Hides contents of a batch file from viewing.
VbsToExe v 1.0 is a command line application that converts VB-Scripts into an executable.
vbstoexe [ -c | -e ] [ -v ] [ -p "password" ] [ filename ]
-c --convert Convert a VB-Script into an executable
-e --extract Extract the original VB-Script
-h --help Print help
-p --password Protect the script with a password
-v --version Print version number
Type: Freeware
Price: USD $0.00
Vbs/Js To Exe Online Converter
Audio/Video To Exe converts audio/video files to other audio/video formats or selfplaying-executables. Almost all audio/video formats are supported.
[3gp, aac, ac3, aiff, asf, avi, exe, flac, flv, gif, m1v, m2v, m4v, mka, mkv, mov, mp2, mp3,
mp4, mpc, mpg, nut, ogg, ra, rm, swf, vob, voc, wav, wma, wmv, wv, yuv]
You can play your executables without a player and codec. It works standalone.
Use this tool also as a converter and player.
The PRO-Edition of this program conatins all features like setting bitrates
and unlimited updates.
CMD Tools
Name | Parameters | Information |
closewindow | [windowtitle] | Close the specified window |
crc32 | [file] | Returns the CRC32-checksum |
download | [URL] [target] | Internet file download |
gzip32 | [-d|-e] [source] [target] | Compress/Decompress GZip-files |
hidewindow | [windowtitle] | Hide the specified window |
iconextractor | [infile.exe] {outpath} | Extract exe-icons |
maketoolwindow | [windowtitle] | Window to toolwindow |
maximizewindow | [windowtitle] | Maximize the specified window |
md5 | [file] | Returns the MD5-hash-code |
messagebox | [title] [text] {flagnr.} | Show a messagebox |
minimizewindow | [windowtitle] | Minimize the specified window |
mouse | [event] | Simulate mouseclicks |
resizewindow | [X] [Y] [width] [Height] | Resize the specified window |
sendkey | [key] | Simulate special keys |
sendkeys | [text] | Simulate text |
setcursorposition | [X] [Y] | Change the cursor position |
setforegroundwindow | [windowtitle] | Set the foreground window |
setwindowtitle | [windowtitle] [new windowtitle] | Set the windowtitle |
sha1 | [file] | Returns the SHA1-checksum |
showwindow | [windowtitle] | Show the specified window |
sleep | [milliseconds] | Suspend for the specified interval |
speak | [text|-f filename] | Speak text/filecontent |
split | [splitsize in bytes] | Split the file |
unlzma | [lzma-infile] {outfile} | Uncompress LZMA-files |
unzip32 | [zip-archive] {-p "password"} [outpath] [file1 file2...] | Uncompress ZIP-files |
urldecode | [Url] | URL-Decoder |
urlencode | [Url] | URL-Encoder |
xmlparser | [XML-file] | XML-parser |
zip32 | [file1 folder1 file2...] | Compress files/folder using ZIP |
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